For business people crossing borders

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The Author


When preparing for the first of what turned out to be eight expatriate assignments,

I asked my boss how to handle all the myriad differences in business cultures around the world.

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” he replied cheerfully, “just be polite wherever you are.”

Well, we soon found out that what is polite in one culture is often rude in another.

 – Richard R. Gesteland

Business Behavior – The International Guide is based on the business bestseller, Cross-Cultural Business Behavior, now in its fifth edition, by Richard R. Gesteland.

The business behavior guides are informed by three decades of observing business people spoiling promising deals. Accumulating valuable insight from 1,000 business negotiations in 55 countries through 26 years as an expatriate manager on 3 continents, the guides offer up-to-date business behavior information in short form for the international business traveler.

